


Goodbye - Jang Geun Suk 張根奭

What should I do? All I can do is gaze at you
我該怎麼作? 我唯一能做的 就是凝視著你

I can't even extend you a short greeting
甚至 我無法給你一個問候

My achingly cold hand, don't hold it
我那又痛又冷的手, 無法握住

Now I have to let you go
而我 現在 必須讓你走

What should I do? You grow further away
我該怎麼作 你已越來越遠

My breast fills with tears

Even though I try hard to hide it, I can't stop
就算我努力的隱藏 我還是無法停止

What should I do with this love I can't end
我該怎麼做 我無法停止的愛

Please don't forget that I loved you

Even if you meet someone else who makes you laugh

The farewell is painful, but I'm glad that it was you
這 告別是痛苦的 但我很高興 我能與你相遇

Gathering my sorrowful tears, goodbye
收起我悲傷的眼淚 再見了~

I've done nothing for you

Pitifully I've only left you with scars

You who embraced even my changed feelings

Now I have to let you go. What should I do?
而如今 我必須讓你走 我該怎麼作?

Please don't forget that I loved you

Even if you meet someone else who makes you laugh

The farewell is painful, but I'm glad that it was you
這 告別是痛苦的 但我很高興 我能與你相遇

Even though the pain stops my breath and my tears fall
即使這痛會讓我停止呼吸 讓我無法停止淚水

Please don't forget that we were happy

Even if you meet someone else who makes you laugh

The farewell is painful, but I'm glad that it was you
這 告別是痛苦的 但我很高興 我能與你相遇

Now I have to let go of this love that was unable to reach you
如今 我必須讓你走 而我的愛也再不能讓你感受到

The only person who can make me smile is you
你, 是唯一的那個可以讓我微笑的人

Even though as my love deepens I feel more pain
雖然 我愛你越深 我的痛也越深

Please don't forget that we were happy

Even if you meet someone else who makes you laugh

The farewell is painful, but I'm glad that it was you
這 告別是痛苦的 但我很高興 我能與你相遇

Gathering my sorrowful tears, the only thing I can do is say...
收起我傷痛的眼淚 我唯一能做的事 就是說…. 再見